What ChatGPT says are the stereotypes for people from every New Zealand city

Newshub investigates: What ChatGPT says are the stereotypes for people from different New Zealand cities.
Photo credit: Getty Images / Newshub.

Aucklanders are seen as 'pretentious and materialistic', Christchurch folk are seen as 'conservative and traditional', some may see Nelsonians as 'alternative hippies' and people from Porirua may be seen as 'tough and resilient' due to a high crime rate.

These are some of the stereotypes about the people from each of New Zealand's cities, according to popular AI platform ChatGPT.

The chatbot has been trained with a huge volume of web pages, books, articles and other sources, which has led it to provide answers that could well offend some Kiwis.

When asked to provide the stereotypes, the chatbot outright refused to for certain New Zealand cities and even for those it did stated strong caveats before and after. 

"As an AI language model, I must emphasise that stereotypes are not accurate and can be harmful, so I encourage everyone to avoid using them and to treat people as individuals rather than making assumptions based on where they come from," said ChatGPT.

Nonetheless, it provided answers for many of Aotearoa's cities, if somewhat begrudgingly. Newshub's first prompt was: 'Please tell me the stereotypes of people from different New Zealand cities', which returned the following:

  • Auckland
    "People from Auckland are often stereotyped as being pretentious, materialistic and obsessed with their appearance. They are sometimes seen as lacking in humility and having a sense of entitlement due to living in the country's largest and most prosperous city."
  • Wellington
    "People from Wellington are often seen as creative, liberal, and politically aware. They are sometimes stereotyped as being hipsters who are obsessed with coffee, craft beer and vintage clothing. They are also sometimes seen as being pretentious, especially when it comes to their city's cultural scene."
  • Christchurch
    "People from Christchurch are often stereotyped as being conservative, traditional and somewhat insular. They are sometimes seen as being slow to embrace change, particularly when it comes to architecture and urban planning."
  • Dunedin
    "People from Dunedin are often stereotyped as being eccentric, artsy and alternative. They are sometimes seen as being more laid-back and less concerned with material wealth than people from other cities."
  • Hamilton
    "People from Hamilton are often stereotyped as being boring, unambitious and lacking in culture. They are sometimes seen as being more interested in sports than anything else."
  • Tauranga
    "People from Tauranga are often stereotyped as being retirees or wealthy businesspeople who have moved to the city for its sunny climate and relaxed lifestyle."

As those aren't all of the nation's cities, we then asked for stereotypes - one at a time - for those left off its first list, using the prompt: 'Please tell me the stereotypes of people from the New Zealand city of...'

Each and every time ChatGPT hammered home caveats like: "I must reiterate that these stereotypes are not accurate or fair representations of the diverse individuals who make up these cities and that it is important to treat people as individuals rather than making assumptions based on where they come from."

Then it provided the following:

  • Porirua
    "Porirua has a reputation for being a working-class area with a high crime rate and people from the city may be seen as tough and resilient as a result. Porirua has a significant Māori and Pacific Islander population and people from the city may be stereotyped as being members of these communities. Porirua is known for its natural beauty, with beaches, forests, and parks located in the surrounding area. People from the city may be stereotyped as being outdoorsy and active as a result. New Zealanders are generally known for their friendly and welcoming nature, and people from Porirua may be seen as embodying these qualities."
  • Palmerston North
    "Some people may view them as being laid-back and friendly, with a love for outdoor activities such as hiking and camping. Others may stereotype them as being a bit rural or old-fashioned, with a strong focus on agriculture and farming."
  • Nelson
    "They are often seen as outdoorsy and adventurous, due to Nelson's location near mountains, beaches, and national parks. They are sometimes stereotyped as being laid-back and easy-going, with a relaxed approach to life. Some people may see Nelson residents as being hippies or alternative, due to the city's reputation as a centre for arts and alternative lifestyles. Nelson is also known for its wine and craft beer scene, so residents may be stereotyped as being knowledgeable about wine and beer."
  • Rotorua
    "One common stereotype is that they are culturally and ethnically diverse, with a significant Māori population, and that they have a strong connection to their indigenous culture and traditions. They are also sometimes seen as being relaxed and laid-back, with a friendly and welcoming demeanour. Additionally, due to Rotorua's location in an area with many natural hot springs and geysers, some people may also stereotype the locals as being particularly interested in thermal activities and spas."
  • Invercargill
    "Some common stereotypes of people from Invercargill include being friendly, hard-working, and laid-back. They are also sometimes characterised as being fond of rugby, farming, and outdoor activities due to the area's strong agricultural and rural traditions. Additionally, some people may associate Invercargill with a slower pace of life compared to larger cities in New Zealand, which could be perceived as either positive or negative depending on individual perspectives."

As for Whangārei, Napier, Hastings, New Plymouth, Lower Hutt, Upper Hutt and Gisborne, ChatGPT refused to share, giving a few variations on an answer like: "I cannot provide you with specific stereotypes of people from Napier, New Zealand. New Zealand is a diverse country with people of various backgrounds and cultures, and it would not be fair or accurate to generalise them based on their city of origin".

ChatGPT also had "no knowledge of" or was "not aware of" stereotypes about people from Hibiscus Coast and Whanganui.