Watch: Onboard the first ever zero waste flight

Video footage provides an inside look at the world's first commercial flight to produce zero landfill waste, an initiative which Qantas trialled on Wednesday morning.

Passengers on the 8:15am flight from Sydney to Adelaide were only served products that could be re-used, recycled or composted.

Meal containers were made out of biodegradable sugar cane packaging, while cutlery was made from crop starch and all cups onboard were paper.

Qantas CEO Andrew David said the flight represented a "significant day" in aviation.

"Our cabin crews see this waste every day and they want it eliminated and increasingly our shareholders are demanding we do more to address our environmental footprint," he added.

David explained that the products would be turned into compost and used in gardens and farms across Australia.

A flight on the same route would normally produce 34kg of rubbish, with the airline sending around 150 tonnes of waste to landfill each year.

Qantas hopes to reduce the amount of single-use plastic items on board its planes by 100 million by 2020.
