New figures reveal average tourist spends $4665 when visiting New Zealand

New Zealand came fourth in the list of countries where tourists spend the most. Photo credit: Getty Images

An average of NZ$4665 is injected into our local economy for every tourist that enters New Zealand, according to new figures sourced from the World Tourism Organisation.

That places New Zealand fourth on the list of countries who have the highest spend per visiting tourist, Australia was at the top of the list with an average spend of NZ$7565.

Top 10 countries where tourists spend the most (per tourist*): 


  • Australia - $7634.98
  • Luxembourg - $6970.21
  • Lebanon - $6610.29
  • New Zealand - $4665.16
  • USA - $4417.35
  • Qatar- $4269.84
  • Panama - $3896.16
  • Macau - $3325.80
  • Sweden - $3321.86
  • Maldives - $3182.22


Some of the world's most well-known countries were much further down the list, such as Russia which was 98th with an average spend per tourist of just $586.

Average spend per tourist in other popular destinations: 


  • India $2815
  • Thailand $2598
  • United Kingdom $2173
  • Hong Kong $1908 
  • Japan $ 1901
  • Canada $1561 
  • Indonesia $1545
  • South Africa $1,370
  • Vietnam $1097
  • Mexico $867
  • Ireland $859
  • China $857

While there are many factors that would influence how much a tourist spends in each destination, such as how long they stay there, these figures are a fact-based example of how much a tourism industry can affect a country's economy.

The data, which was released by Globehunters excludes countries that receive less than 1,000,000 visitors a year, or who haven't reported visitor numbers since 2016.

What would you spend your money on in some of these destinations?  Let us know the destination and what you'd buy in our Newshub Travel Tips and Tricks Facebook Group.



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