Man gets driver's licence photo with pasta strainer on his head

An American man has been allowed to take his driver's licence photo with a pasta strainer on his head.

However he might not have it for long.

Arizona man, Sean Corbett, is a self-proclaimed Pastafarian who is a follower from the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

According to CBS, Mr Corbett won the right to wear the strainer because it is considered religious expression.

"Basically the premise of the religion is just to kind of choose what you want to do, be good to other people, and have fun," he said.

"It's a little ridiculous, I know, and of course, [we] enjoy pasta, we celebrate by eating anything with noodles in it."

The Arizona Department of Transport (ADOT) who initially allowed the controversial piece of headwear saying it considers religious expressions as long as it reflects a person's daily appearance.

The fun is expected to be short-lived though, ADOT says all ID photos are run through a facial recognition software and if an ID photo can't be fully identified, that licence can be recalled.


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