The animals that inflict the most excruciating and gruesome deaths

An animal expert has shared the beasts that cause the most brutal and painful deaths.

Animal expert Gordon Grice, author of The Book of Deadly Animals, has spent more than 15 years researching the wild beasts.

He shared his advice on the worst animals to encounter on safari - and what they can do to you.


These big cats are the king of the savannah - but it's best to keep a safe distance. While they don't normally regard people as food, when old or sick, they are known to become man-eaters.

"They would attack a human in the same way they would attack their prey in the wild," Mr Grice told the Daily Mail.

"They usually kill people from a bite, and they normally go for the head or throat.

"People can survive, but if they don't get medical attention straight away, they can end up with a nasty infection."


Leopards are the most powerful cats for their size and can run faster than 60 km/h. They are responsible for many deaths in Africa and India.

Some notorious killers are reported to have eaten hundreds of people during their murderous sprees.

"Leopards kill in a similar way to lions, by going for the neck," Mr Grice explains. "But they are much more efficient - death in this way would be very quick.

"They will only attack if they feel their personal space is being invaded or are in need of food."


Hippos may seem like a peaceful and placid animals, but when they go on a rampage, the results are horrific.

Charging at nearly 30 km/h, they attack with their giant teeth, chopping people in half.

"They have a very overdeveloped sense of personal space and can attack if a person stands in the way of their path," Mr Grice told the Daily Mail.

"They have a very dangerous bite and will go for your middle section, so they can bite you clean in half."


Each year, nearly a thousand people get killed by these deadly creatures.

They can weight more than a tonne and have thick heavily armoured skin.

They attack by clamping their powerful jaws on their victim, then spinning around, tearing limbs off their prey.

"They will bite at limbs, twist them and then pull people into the water, and then people ultimately drown," Mr Grice describes.

"People can survive if they can get away, but often they can be left with missing hands or arms."


Hyenas are known to inflict a slow and excruciating death on humans they catch, as they devour them alive.

"The spotted hyena is an incredibly dangerous animal that would cause a lot of suffering, if it were to attack," Mr Grice told the Daily Mail.

"There are instances where they have attacked people, who are camping out and are asleep.

"They will maybe bite off a part of your face or another sensitive body part, and just start eating you. This would be one of the worst deaths, as it would be very long."


Jackals are opportunistic predators, feeding on small to medium-sized animals.

They weigh up to 14 kg and can grow to 85 cm in length. While they are not normally dangerous, they are still known to attack humans.

During 1998-2005, there were 220 reported cases of jackal attacks on humans in eastern India, although none were fatal. Children are especially at risk, as they are smaller.

"They usually attack in packs and work as a group, with each dog taking one part of the body, before stretching the victim out," Mr Grice explains.


The Cape buffalo are considered one of the most dangerous African animals. They are extremely aggressive when wounded, and use their massive size and sharp horns to kill or maim.

"Cape buffalo in Africa can also be very touchy about their personal space," says Mr Grice.

"They can usually kill with the first strike of their horns and can also trample on people."


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