Anger after UK mayor mistakenly tells children Santa isn't real

Anger after UK mayor mistakenly tells children Santa isn't real
Photo credit: Getty

Warning: Don't read on if you believe in Santa

Parents in the UK have expressed anger at a local mayor after she let slip that Santa isn't real.

Christine Jeffreys, mayor of Rushcliffe in Nottinghamshire, was speaking at a Christmas event on Sunday when she made the revelation, according to BBC.

Due to Santa's busy schedule, he wouldn't be dropping off gifts, the mayor is said to have told children.

An angry mother who attended the event with her daughter took to social media to complain about the comments.

"The mayor then proceeded to tell all the kids that Santa was really busy this year so mum and dad would be helping out by putting all their presents under the tree this year," the mother wrote.

The children were told "if they hear a noise in the middle of the night on Xmas eve, don't worry, it's just mummy and daddy."

Anger after UK mayor mistakenly tells children Santa isn't real
Photo credit: Facebook

The mother said she was "traumatised" by the mayor's behaviour. 

Jeffreys has since apologised for her words, which were "said in error", according to BBC.

"I apologise unreservedly for the upset I have caused to those who attended the lights switch-on," she said.