Jacinda Ardern says Government willing to help Australia's flood-devastated communities

The New Zealand Government says it's willing to help Australia's flood-devastated communities if they ask for it. It will take more than $2 billion to repair the damage.

Lining the neighbourhoods of northern New South Wales is incomprehensible destruction.

The floods spared very little in Lismore and there are more towns just like this. Almost all of what was in the flood's path is uninhabitable.

All 85 years of George Pardon's life, memories and possessions, were inside his two storey home. He has gratitude for the army's help but still can't believe why they're there.

While the army's help has been welcomed, when the situation was deadly their offer to help save lives was rejected. Not once, but twice.

"This event was not predicted. That is not what the bureau had predicted, not what the bureau was saying," NSW Premier Dom Perrottet says.

The weather bureau instead predicted moderate flooding. What it got was catastrophic, devastating and deadly.

"There was no urgency with warnings we received," one person says.

Initial estimates put the flood damage bill at $2 billion.

Celebrities are adding their money and voices to a nationwide call to donate and a telethon raised $25 million. But more help is needed.

"When it comes to flooding we always stand ready," Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says.

"Not something that they have reached out to us at this stage."

It won't take days or weeks - but months to clean up.