Horrifying footage shows elderly COVID-19 patient mistakenly declared dead, put in body bag in Shanghai

It was a close call for an elderly COVID-19 patient after he was mistakenly declared dead and put in a body bag.

Six people in Shanghai are under investigation after the man was taken by coroners to a van to be transported to a morgue before mortuary workers noticed he was still alive.

The incident was filmed by horrified onlookers who shared the footage online, causing widespread outrage.

"Alive! Did you see that? Alive!" One onlooker said. "Don't cover him."

The video shows two staff members in full protective suits carrying a yellow body bag before realising the man was still alive. 

The elderly patient is then wheeled back inside.

The district government said the elderly man was now in a stable condition and authorities have revoked the certification of the doctor involved.

Shanghai has been in a strict full city lockdown since the start of April battling China's biggest COVID outbreak so far.

Much of the city's 25 million people have been forced to stay indoors, with reports of fences being erected outside housing blocks to seal the entrances and restrict people from leaving.

Residents have been venting their anger over the harsh lockdown rules and online censorship on social media, with videos emerging of residents forced to fight over food rations due to supermarkets being closed.