Outrage after anti-vaxxers harass female reporter in Australia

Australian journalist Suba Krishnan was harrassed by anti-vaxxers.
Australian journalist Suba Krishnan was harrassed by anti-vaxxers. Photo credit: Twitter SOS

Warning this article contains language some may find offensive.

A shocking video of a female journalist being harassed by anti-vaxxers has outraged users on social media. 

Channel 9 reporter Suba Krishnan was presenting outside Parliament House in Melbourne following a protest, along with her cameraman, when two men approached them.

The video was posted on the Facebook page of the well-known anti-vaxxer and was then later shared on Twitter.

The two men swore at Krishnan and the camera operator and she asked them to respect her personal space.

The men then made comments about Politician Daniel Andrews, once the Australian Minister of Health.

“What’s this video about, paedophiles or Daniel Andrews selling out the Australian government?” one of the men said.  

The two men continued to harass her, accusing her of lying to the public through her work. 

One of the men can be seen holding an open can of VB in his hand, appearing drunk and disorderly. 

“You’re spreading lies about the Covid vaccine, come on, tell the truth to the Australian people” they said.

When the cameraman started packing up to leave the men encouraged the duo to stay.

“How far are you going to walk away, cause you're not going to get your Interview here without us here?”

When the men approached the vehicle, the cameraman asked “Would you just let me do my job,” to which the men responded with “We’ll let you do your job, but you lie to the Australian people and you coerce people into getting the death shot.”

The men then asked the cameraman if he had children, and whether or not he would give them the vaccine, with no response from the cameraman who continued to pack camera gear into the boot of the car. 

“Leave your children alone, don’t vaccinate your children,” the men can be heard saying.

Harassment of the female journalist escalated, with the men approaching and banging on the car window, asking for Krishnan's phone number, and putting their phone against the glass to record inside the vehicle.

The video has since sparked a large thread on Twitter in the comment section of the video, with many feeling sorry for the reporter and cameraman, calling the men ‘gross,’ and their behaviour ‘foul’.

One Twitter user said “That’s not a peaceful protest, why aren't they getting arrested?”

A second user commented on the tweet saying ‘Ugh! How awful that Shuba and the camo [camera man] had to endure that.’

Another tweet described the video as ‘filthy’ then commenting  “That is disgusting and dangerous behaviour, seriously should get some harassment charges laid.”