Israel-Hamas conflict: Thousands take to streets in US to protest against the war

Thousands of Americans have taken to the streets to protest against the war.

The growing death toll in Gaza has seen a surge in support for its civilians.

The White House, however, still supports what it calls "Israel's right to defend itself".

It comes amid concerns from the FBI about domestic terror attacks on Jewish Americans.

Across America's capital city, thousands marched for a ceasefire they say needs to happen now.

Protesters paraded imitation coffins through the crowds. Lookalike body bags were piled on the pavement, only a short distance from the White House. It was a symbolic show of solidarity for civilians in Gaza.

While half of Americans support sending more aid to Israel to fight Hamas, 71 percent support humanitarian assistance for Palestinian civilians in Gaza.

The US President's "unequivocal support" for Israel has made him the target of many here.

"Our message is clear, no ceasefire, no vote in 2024," one protester said.

US officials aren't calling for a ceasefire but would like what they call a "humanitarian pause".

They believe that would allow time for more aid to be taken into the war-torn enclave.

The US Secretary of State said he's outlined steps to Israeli leaders to help prevent more civilian deaths.

While protests continue here in the US, officials are growing increasingly concerned about a domestic terror attack.

The FBI said it coincides with a rise in anti-semitism in America.

"This is a threat that in some ways is reaching sort of historic levels," said FBI Director Christopher Wray.

The FBI boss said the Jewish community makes up 2.4 percent of the American public - but they are the target of 60 percent of all religious-based hate crimes.

"Our most immediate concern is that violent extremists, individuals, or small groups, will draw inspiration from the events in the Middle East to carry out attacks against Americans going about their daily lives," Wray said.

Scenes like these in American cities are being mirrored across the Atlantic too.

Protests are continuing in major European cities, including both London and Paris today.

Israel appears unlikely to agree to a humanitarian pause in this war - let alone a ceasefire.

But with devastating images emerging from the region every day, calls for peace are likely to grow louder.