'Black Widow' Helen Milner's ex also a killer

  • Breaking
  • 06/01/2014

By 3 News online staff

'Black Widow' killer Helen Milner once had a relationship with a man, whom like her, would go on to murder.

The details of Milner's relationship with truck driver Keith Donald Bonner were revealed this morning by The Press, which claims the pair had a "no strings attached" relationship in the late 1990s and early 2000s.

Bonner would later go on to kill 46-year-old mother and bar worker Tracey Lee Morris, and in 2012 was jailed for at least 13 years.

Last month Milner was convicted of murdering her husband Philip Nisbet, also a truck driver, whom she poisoned with antihistamine Phenergan in 2009. According to the prosecution, Milner did it to collect $250,000 in insurance money.

At the time of her arrest, Milner asked if she could phone a man called Keith, and a "truck driver named Keith" was referred to throughout the trial.

Milner and Bonner met in the late 1990s through a dating agency, but their sexual relationship ended around 2000 or 2001, Bonner claimed in his formal witness statement, reports The Press.

A senior officer involved in the Milner homicide investigation told APNZ there was "absolutely no connection" between the murders.

Mr Nisbet's family had no idea Milner had been in a relationship with another killer.

"It just shows what sort of person she is, and how she was attracted to someone else as evil as her," says Mr Nisbet's sister Lee-Anne Courtier.

She thought the 'Keith' Milner had apparently asked to phone at the time of her arrest was a mistake by police, and she had instead said 'Barry', referring to her new boyfriend, Barry Hayton.

Milner is due to be sentenced for Mr Nisbet's murder next month.

3 News

source: newshub archive