Eskimo lollies slammed as racist by Canadian tourist

  • Breaking
  • 21/04/2009

Some of New Zealand's most popular and iconic treats have been labelled racist by a Canadian tourist.

Seeka Parsons is in on holiday in New Zealand and was shocked by her discovery.

She says the names of Eskimo lollies and Eskimo Pie are insulting, and she is taking her complaint to the Canadian government and Inuit elders.

After discovering the two kiwi favourites, Ms Parsons is now trying to put pressure on the manufacturers of both products, Cadbury, Pascalls and Tip Top.

"I just think we deserve respect," she says. "Stand up and make a change."

Ms Parsons has sent some of the Eskimo lollies to the Canadian Prime Minister and her grandfather who is an Inuit elder.

Cadbury says this is the second time there has been a complaint about the Eskimo lollies in their 54-year history.

In a statement the company said, "we have no intention to rename, reshape or remove the product and trust that consumers will continue to enjoy Pascall Eskimos".

Tip Top say a change is unlikely in the short term for their Eskimo Pies.

They say Eskimo Pies have been available in New Zealand since the 1940s and say it is one of their top ten sellers.

They say they will track the feedback and if it becomes a big issue they might then consider a name change.

But that is of little consolation to Ms Parsons, who feels the name is insulting and has no merit.

3 News

source: newshub archive