Last-minute save for Auckland pohutukawas

  • Breaking
  • 20/02/2015

Six giant pohutukawa trees Auckland Transport wanted to cut down to make way for an extra turning lane into an upgraded bridge have been saved.

The trees are believed to be 81 years old, planted on Arbor Day in 1934.

A lobby group called Pohutukawa Six ran a vigorous social media campaign and made impassioned pleas at a public meeting of the transport board today.

"They say that a civilisation grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they will never sit in, it stays great when the rest of us look after that legacy," says Pohutukawa Six spokeswoman Jolisa Gracewood.

The board unanimously rejected the recommendation the trees be felled and the project to widen the road will no longer go ahead.

3 News

source: newshub archive