Leeston on high alert after flooding

  • Breaking
  • 22/06/2013

The worst flooding in 20 years has hit parts of Canterbury and the rain continues to fall.

From the air, parts of the Selwyn District look more like a lake than lush farmland. Like all of Canterbury, the area has had consistent rain and sleet since Wednesday and it has taken a toll on farms, houses and shops.

Drivers in the area were warned to stay off the roads today, as surface flooding covered much of the Leeston township.

The Leeston fire service, whose own station is flooded, has been kept busy all day.

"We've been sandbagging a lot of premises, a lot of houses, garages," says firefighter Noel Thian.

A few homes around the town couldn't keep the water out. Leeston resident Ivan Nurse watched the water rise until he couldn't stop it coming in.

"About 10 o'clock this morning, broken through, coming under the walls, through the doorways – so you don't need to take your gumboots off now!"

Volunteers around the whole district are responding to call outs, keeping warm in between with community handouts.

"We've got flooding in Tai Tap, Lincoln, Southbridge and Leeston," says fire service area commander Dave Berry. "Those are our main concerns."

Mid-afternoon today in Leeston the rain was certainly showing no signs of easing. And for those whose homes have managed to stay dry, they're not getting much of a reprieve either because officials are very concerned about the pressure on the wastewater system. People are being urged not to bathe, not to shower, not to use their dishwasher and not even to flush.

Some locals have never seen weather like this.

"I've seen some flooding around this area, but nothing as much as what we have had here today," says one. "And on Thursday actually, it's been quite torrential, unfortunately."

But they say it's the small communities that cope in these situations.

"They're pretty clued up out here in the country," says Mr Thian. "We all work together."

Locals are now hoping the forecast fine patch that is due tomorrow lingers a while to allow their sodden towns to dry out.

3 News

source: newshub archive