Peter Whittall: 'It is personal'

  • Breaking
  • 02/12/2010

By Michael Morrah

Peter Whittall took up his role as chief executive of Pike River Coal two months ago, never suspecting that he would have to deal with a disaster as terrible as this.

As a young man he lost his father, but he has never had to cope with loss on such a scale.

Until the mine disaster, Mr Whittall's public speaking was usually to small groups of shareholders at his company's annual general meetings.

But this afternoon he arrived with his wife to speak to the thousands who had gathered to reflect on the lost lives of the 29.

Beforehand, he told 3 News the miners were mates as much as employees.

"I carry around photos of them in my folder everywhere I go… I'd had beers with them, I'd socialised with them,” he says.

"It is personal. They are guys I know; I do think about who they are and what they would be doing."

Mr Whittall's own father died when he was 24; he says he understands what loss feels like, but not on a scale like this.

"Nothing has prepared me for the overwhelming nature of losing those men."

Mr Whittall says the realisation that none of the men would survive was overwhelming.

But so too was knowing that Pike River Coal – a new mine, with new equipment and a promising future – will never be the same.

"We've tried so hard to make it an important part of this community to make sure that Pike River Coal was held in high esteem by our employees and by the community and in a few seconds that's been taken away, largely because forever Pike River Coal will be the place where 29 men died."

Despite the burden of such loss, Mr Whittall made it his duty to stand in front of the camera and before the families day after day.

He was measured; his character didn't waver.

"I owe them the courtesy of standing up in front of them everyday and telling them exactly what's going on and I certainly owe them the respect of being the employer of their father, son, husband, brother."

And Mr Whittall knows that will continue for many months to come.

"Today is a day of remembering, but everyday will be like that."

3 News

source: newshub archive