Schoolboy's hair centre of court battle

  • Breaking
  • 12/06/2014

A Hastings teenager is taking his school to court over his suspension for the length of his hair.

Lucan Battison, who was given a bravery award in April for helping save two women from drowning, was suspended from St John's College in Hastings last month after being told he needed a haircut.

The case is now going to the High Court to seek an urgent judicial review of the decision and is likely to be heard later this month.

The 16-year-old's father Troy has applied for the review, where principal Paul Melloy and the board of trustees will defend their decision, Fairfax reports.

Mr Battison says the court battle is a "last resort" and he just wants Lucan back at school as soon as possible.

Mr Melloy, who became principal last month, called the incident "unfortunate", saying the he is trying to follow the standards set in the school's policy.

Lucan was one of four teenagers who rescued Analisa Tipu, 21, and Leilani Wong, 18 at Waipatiki Beach in January last year.

He was recognised for his bravery by the Royal Humane Society.

St John's College is a state-integrated Catholic boys' school.

Lucan hasn't been the only teenager in trouble for their locks.

Last week, Campbell Live reported on Demetric Blank, a student from Tararua College in Pahiatua, who had also been suspended for his hair which has a pattern shaved into it.

3 News

source: newshub archive