Two dozen years on, ex-students converge on old flat

  • Breaking
  • 11/12/2009

If you were ever a student in Dunedin in the 1980s, chances aren't high that you remember the names of your old flatmates - let alone still catch up with them all to reminisce.

But for one group of men, the bond they forged in their mouldy old Dunedin digs is still going.

The dirty half-dozen of 12 Dundas St have come back to where it all began.

Here they studied hard and lived a quiet 'conscientious' life.

These days, the flat houses an all-female student household. Back in '85 it had a more laddish touch.

Every 12 years the old friends descend on Dunedin and go back to visit their old digs. They call it 'Dozen Dundas Day'.

Nearly quarter of a century later the six men are still firm friends, despite starting off as boarding school rivals.

It's that shared history and sense of humour that keeps their friendship alive, around the country and across the ditch.

Tomorrow it will be two dozen years since they all lived here.

The Dozen Dundas Day includes wives, partners and even kids.

And while today they sampled local Dunedin delights, tomorrow the extended clan will celebrate the friendship between the men in their lives.

But for at least a few hours, 12 Dundas St will be sacred turf for the half-dozen Dundas dudes and their dozens of memories.

source: newshub archive