Weatherston sentenced to life with 18 years non-parole

  • Breaking
  • 14/09/2009

By James Murray and Juanita Copeland

Clayton Weatherston has been sentenced to life with a minimum non-parole of 18 years.

Earlier today, he had appeared to show some remorse for his actions.

Weatherston’s lawyer, Judith Ablett Kerr QC, told Christchurch High Court her client was sorry at his sentencing today.

“He tells me he is sorry,” she said. “He saw no point in saying it himself as it would appear contrived.”

Ms Ablett Kerr said that Weatherston told her “people don’t see me in my cell at two in the morning when I think about the horrendous thing that occurred”.

Weatherston’s lawyer said he did not expect his apology to be taken at “face value”.

Before Ms Ablett-Kerr's statement, the family of Sophie Elliott read victim statements to the court.

Father Gilbert Elliot said he was struggling to come to terms with Sophie’s death.

“The most amazing day, was the day she was born. Little did we know we would only have her for 22.5 years,” he said.

He spoke of his devastation on hearing of the murder.

“Everything I existed for stopped that day.”

He then spoke about what it was like witnessing her body, which had been badly mutilated.

“(When) I said goodbye to my only daughter she seemed asleep and looked like a China doll.”

Finally, he described Weatherston as “the epitome of evil”.

Sophie’s mother Lesley Elliott spoke of the “moments of terror” as Weatherston stabbed her daughter to death while she remained helpless on the other side of her daughter’s bedroom door.

“I will never forget those moments of terror. By the time I got into her room she was gone.”

She said she hoped Weatherston could “hear screams of agony ring in (his ears) as they do in mine”.

Since Sophie Elliot’s death, Lesley Elliott has had “many hours of counselling” and has struggled to come to terms with the “ugliness of her death”.

Victim statements were read out by Sophie Elliott’s brothers Nicholas and Christopher.

Weatherston's father also addressed the court.

“He grew up as normal as one would expect,” he said.

“As a father I know he is truthful and I still believe this. I’m hoping Clayton will find within himself to publicly show remorse. I hope he gets help in prison.

“We will always love and support our son but our thoughts are also with the Elliotts for their loss.”

Weatherston was found guilty last July of the murder of their daughter Sophie Elliot, who he stabbed 216 times in her own bedroom.

3 News

source: newshub archive