Dotcom's bomb a 'bellyflop' - Sabin

  • Breaking
  • 15/09/2014

3 News political reporter Brook Sabin says last night's Moment of Truth at the Auckland Town Hall was a mixed bag.

Notably absent was Kim Dotcom's proof that Prime Minister John Key knew about him before the raid in January 2012.

Internet Party leader Laila Harre says it was left out under legal advice – but its omission made this part of the event a "bellyflop", says Sabin.

Moment of Truth video:

But NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden's claims the US spy agency has bases in New Zealand and that the GCSB definitely uses XKeyscore raises some crucial questions.

Mr Key has pledged to resign if it's proven New Zealanders have been spied upon by the GCSB – but does his choice of words provide him with some wriggle room, even if it's proven?

Watch the video for the full chat with Brook Sabin.

source: newshub archive