3D-printed gun successfully tested

  • Breaking
  • 06/05/2013

Anti-gun campaigners in the United States have criticised a project that has produced a plastic, functional weapon using a 3D printer – a machine that builds objects layer by layer.

The handgun, known as the 'Liberator', has broken new ground with the arms industry. 

It comes at a time when the US is embroiled in a debate over gun control legislation, following December's mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newton.

Proponents of gun control argue the development of 3D-printed guns could make restricting ownership far more difficult. A largely plastic gun could also be harder to detect by border security.

Non-profit company Defense Distributed spent a year developing the firearm in Texas, where it was successfully test-fired using a .380 calibre bullet.

They then shared photos of how the Liberator was assembled on blogging website Tumblr.

The founder of the company, Cody Wilson, says they plan to make the blueprints available online. 

3 News

source: newshub archive