National billboard removed from City Mission

  • 07/09/2017
The National Party billboard has now been removed from the Auckland City Mission.
The National Party billboard has now been removed from the Auckland City Mission. Photo credit: Ana Samways

A National Party billboard has been removed from the Auckland City Mission on Hobson St.

It was the subject of a viral photo posted to Twitter on Wednesday that showed several homeless people sleeping underneath the billboard which read 'Keep NZ Moving Forward'. 

Ana Samways, whose original photo was retweeted more than 350 times, today posted an updated photo showing the billboard has been taken down.

Vicar of St Matthew-in-the-City, Reverend Helen Jacobi, said the billboard's installation was a mistake.

The Auckland City Mission building is owned by the church, which has a policy against certain kinds of advertising.

"The rule is no political advertising or anything that might offend us religiously", said Reverend Jacobi.

The church has an agreement with the company who installs the billboards, which are rotated regularly, but their rule against political advertising was overlooked when the billboard was installed this week.

Reverend Jacobi said members of the church became aware of the billboard yesterday and that it was taken down overnight. 
