Ryan Bridge 'told off' by AM viewer for being 'quite mean' to Nicky Styris

AM host Ryan Bridge has been "told off" by a viewer for being "quite mean" to the show's newsreader Nicky Styris. 

On Wednesday, Bridge was taken to task by Matt, who wrote in with some criticism for the host.  

"There's a piece of feedback, it's from Matt," Bridge began. 

"Ryan, as much as I love you, I feel sometimes you don't think before you make a comment. Some of the comments you make about Nicky are quite mean," he read aloud.  

"I witnessed it as a viewer on Monday and Tuesday - they were inappropriate toward your fellow co-worker," Bridge continued, to the surprise of both Styris and co-host Laura Tupou. 

"I am talking about the constant digs at Nicky. I love Nicky but I feel you are picking on Nicky a bit, comparing her to a wild animal. 

"Anyway, please be nice to Nicky, she's a lovely presenter. I don't know what the groove is between you guys I'm sure it's all fine," Bridge finished. 

"Thank you, Matt, for being my number one supporter," Styris said. 

"Yes, he is mean to me, isn't he? It's just as well I'm very thick-skinned - like a wild animal," she joked. 

"I've been told off now," Bridge said sheepishly. 

Watch the video above.