Kiwi Taylor Swift fans go all-out in preparation for Melbourne concert

It's one week until Kiwi Taylor Swift fans desert New Zealand en masse and descend on Melbourne.

The US singing superstar's first round of shows is expected to generate $220 million for Australia's economy, as well as creating complete hysteria.

So with seven days to go, who better to report how Swifties are feeling, than a Swiftie herself?

You've spend midnights, making the friendship bracelets, bejeweling your outfit, just to be sure you'll polish up real nice.

And, convincing your loved ones to tag along so you're not on your own kid.

But finally, Swifties, 'tis the damn season.

Matt McKone and Shelby Rafferty are among the thousands flocking to Melbourne, but what T-Swift probably doesn't know is that she's third-wheeling them.

"Last Friday, we actually got married, so this will be our honeymoon going over to Taylor Swift. Which will be no surprises as to who got to choose that one!" said Matt McKone, one of Taylor Swift's newest fans.

But even in their lover era, the newlyweds almost missed out on tickets. Going as VIPs was the only option left.

Rafferty told Newshub she was OK with it.

"I would like to say I am her biggest fan, but there are some crazy people out there, but I'm up there! I am up there!"

Taylor Swift fan Jessica Eaton has spent hours crafting her own outfits by hand. Photo credit: Newshub.

And Jessica Eaton is one of many who have spent hours crafting their own costumes by hand.

"Spotlight ended up getting some tinsel in, and so I bought out like three Spotlight [stores] in Auckland of rainbow tinsel. So if anyone's wondering where it went, it's on this jacket."

But for those less skilled with a sewing machine, sequinned options have popped up everywhere in-store and online.

The combination of flights, accommodation and clothing sales is expected to generate $220m for Australia's economy.

That's money New Zealand has missed out on, leaving Kiwi fans no choice but to stump up for flights and accommodation across the ditch.

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