Iconic Terminator actor Robert Patrick ready to thrill fans at Auckland Winter Armageddon Expo 2024

Pop Culture superfans are putting the finishing touches on their cosplay outfits as the winter Armageddon kicks off at Auckland Showgrounds this weekend.

And headlining 'Wintergeddon' this year is actor Robert Patrick who played the iconic T-1000 Terminator opposite Arnold Schwarzenegger.

More than three decades on, Terminator 2: Judgement Day is still considered by many as the greatest action film of all time.

James Cameron was back at the helm and introducing a new Terminator to the fans - the T-1000.

This liquid metal guy, a mimetic poly-alloy advanced prototype sent from the future, was played by newcomer Robert Patrick.

Terminator launched both Arnie's and Patrick's Hollywood careers but at the time, the young Patrick wasn't convinced he wasn't good enough.

"As confident as I seem now, at the time I was incredibly insecure and I thought I was going to be fired halfway through the movie," the actor confessed to Newshub.

"The young Robert Patrick was preoccupied with that."

But of course, the rest is history. Terminator 2 was a gargantuan hit, Cameron telling a sci-fi AI story which is starting to feel just a little bit too real.

"James Cameron is a genius filmmaker," Patrick said.

"He is a visionary and the movie just really resonates with people.

"The theme is that we have to be afraid of technology and we really do. We could easily be slaves to technology if we let it get out of hand."

Ever since the movie's release Patrick has been a mega-fan-favourite and he knows what it means for his fans to meet their heroes in person.

He is primed and ready for all the Wintergeddon fans in Auckland this weekend.

"I try to make it really special for them. I look at it like 'who are my heroes and if I was gonna meet my hero how would I like them to treat me' and I try to emulate that with my fans."