No Squiggles in London? Make them yourself

It's a feeling of disappointment most UK-based Kiwis feel every time they're in the biscuit aisle of the supermarket. Hob Nobs: yes. Rich Tea: yes. Marylands: yes. Squiggles: NO. 

You'd usually have to rely on a friend or family member bringing over a few packets in their suitcase when they visited in order to get your fix of the hokey pokey and buttermilk cream chocolate biscuit (or other variants). 

But with travel non-existent and global postal services delayed, it's near-on impossible to get them in Britain. 

All of them have sold out on the SANZA Store, which can't legally sell the hokey pokey-flavoured ones because of some trademark clash with some British company. 

But none of this has deterred Cantabrian Morgan McKenzie Moore from getting her hands on them. She's recreated them in her East London kitchen after a bit of trial and error and is sharing the recipe with other Kiwis who want to do the same. 

"It's been a fun challenge," she says. "People have been sending me photos of the ones that they've made and they look so great. It's so sweet."

Morgan Mckenzie Moore with some of her creations. Photo credit: Daniel Pannett/Newshub.

The idea was born not just because her taste buds were feeling nostalgic, but because she suddenly found herself with a whole lot of time in the middle of a coronavirus lockdown. 

"I was a receptionist and when we went into lockdown, there wasn't a lot for me to do. They kept me on for as long as they could, and then I got a bit of a redundancy payout. It'll be enough until I find another job, but in the meantime, I'm just baking," the 24-year-old says. 

She's knocked off a whole lot of Kiwi classics too including the Griffin's Mint Slice, Griffin's Cookie Bear Hundreds and Thousands , as well as lamingtons and lolly cake. And while Newshub was visiting, she finished her first attempt at recreating Griffin's Mallowpuffs (successfully, might I add). 

If the replicas aren't impressive enough in their own right, she's made them all gluten-free without sacrificing the taste or texture. 

"Just before I moved here two years ago, I found out I was coeliac. And Griffins doesn't make these biscuits gluten-free, so I think there's something that needs to be done about that. Griffins, hire me," she laughs. 

Morgan Mckenzie Moore found herself with a whole lot of time in the middle of a coronavirus lockdown. Photo credit: Daniel Pannett

All her experimenting means she's left with mountains of leftover biscuits, which she's shared with other Kiwis living in the area. 

"Through this coronavirus, it's been nice to reach out and talk to other Kiwis who are experiencing it. And I'm more than happy to give my Squiggles and Hundreds and Thousands away. It's been really nice to be able to share." 

Morgan's not resting on her laurels just yet, with plans to become a savoury snack expert too, with gluten-free mince and cheese pies and cheese rolls at the top of her list. 

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