Joe Rogan podcast, MAGA among leading icks for young women, according to new survey on relationship red flags

As many of us know from the likes of TikTok, the limit seemingly does not exist when it comes to what can constitute an ick - or a turn-off, if you're not chronically online like the rest of us. From Velcro wallets to boardshorts puffing up in the pool, the spectrum of icks is vast and varied - and according to a new survey, heavily politicised.

The survey, conducted by Change Research, asked 1033 Americans aged 18 to 34 whether certain behaviours in a partner were a green, beige, or red flag, revealing some of the most common turn-ons and offs among the age demographic, which spans both the Millennial and Gen-Z generations.

So if you listen to Joe Rogan's podcast, enjoy reality TV, read books, have refused to watch Barbie or hold strong beliefs about gender, the results of the research should be especially interesting - buckle up.

The research found men and women are largely on the same page when it comes to qualities in a partner, with both highlighting the importance of hobbies and showing interest by asking questions.   

The majority of participants also made it clear that when it comes to political and ideological values, right-wing or conservative ideals (read: Republicans) are a major ick: 76 percent of women agreed that supporting or championing former US President Donald Trump or the Make America Great Again (MAGA) ideology is an absolute no-go zone, as well as 59 percent of men. However, 64 percent of male participants also cited communist beliefs as a significant no-no in potential partners.

However, women who hold traditionally more right-wing beliefs are considered ever-so-slightly more attractive than their liberal counterparts, with 35 percent of male participants calling conservative values a green flag, compared to 33 percent who said they prefer partners who identify as liberal.

More than half of the women who participated in the survey said they wouldn't date a person who doesn't believe in the spectrum of gender identity (someone who sees gender as only 'male' and 'female') - an ick that was also backed by 34 percent of men.   

In the same vein, 55 percent of female participants said they would veto anyone who listened to one of the world's most popular podcasts, The Joe Rogan Experience. Hosted by the former Fear Factor host and UFC commentator, the podcast and its titular anchor have attracted heavy criticism for giving a platform to far-right guests, conspiracy theorists and spreading misinformation about the COVID-19 pandemic and vaccinations, among other issues.

Survey results
Photo credit: Change Research

Moreover, not caring about politics at all is a red flag for 50 percent of women, while conversely, caring too much about politics - or even talking about it - is a turn-off for just under a quarter. Sixty percent of female participants also agreed that anyone who uses the phrase 'All Lives Matter' - a slogan associated with opposition to the Black Lives Matter movement - is a walking-talking ick, compared to just 41 percent of men. However, saying 'Black Lives Matter' is also seen as a red flag for 33 percent of men, compared to just 14 percent of women.  

If you're a heterosexual, cisgender man who has yet to see Greta Gerwig's box-office smash Barbie, you're also lowering your desirability factor, according to 53 percent of women.  

On the other hand, almost half of male participants said having astrology as a hobby would turn them off a potential partner, with 29 percent also being icked out by watching reality TV - feeling very attacked here. 

Forty-two percent of men said drinking cows' milk is a green flag, compared to consuming non-dairy alternatives. Is lactose intolerance a joke to you people?   

However, the vast majority of both male and female participants agreed that reading is a turn-on, with 91 percent and 95 percent noting that the hobby is an attractive quality respectively.   

Perhaps surprisingly, researching the best deals before making a purchase is also considered a universal turn-on, with 88 percent and 85 percent of women and men respectively agreeing the financially savvy mentality is attractive in a partner.  

And unsurprisingly, considering Joe Rogan's target demographic, 25 percent of men said that listening to his podcast is a green flag in a potential partner - compared to just 7 percent of women.  

The more you know.