Sydney community wars over parking space online as 'passive-aggressive' notes left on car called into question

Another parking note dispute has rocked Australia.
Another parking note dispute has rocked Australia. Photo credit: Facebook

Another day, another dispute between neighbours over a parking space.  

The parking spot in question, located in the inner-west Sydney suburb Leichhardt, has been occupied by a seemingly unused car for several weeks, according to a resident, who has a bee in their bonnet about the vehicle taking up the space. 

Notes left on the car by the angered resident have since been shared to social media, prompting a heated debate about carpark etiquette.  

One of the notes urged the owner to be "a good neighbour" and move their vehicle, adding: "Any thoughts about moving your car, being considerate?" Another reads: "We'd really appreciate it if you'd move your vehicle, as it's not being used and is taking (up a) carpark space." 

Taking to social media to explain the situation, a local said the street in question has unrestricted parking, which can make it difficult for those who live there to find a park due to the spaces always being filled by non-residents.  

Despite the frustration, many on social media have argued that as there are no restrictions on the park, the owner of the vehicle is perfectly within their right to occupy the space for as long as they need.  

Others have labelled the notes "passive-aggressive" and pointed out there is little point continuing to write them as they clearly aren't being read. 

Other residents in the Leichhardt community agreed that the situation was "frustrating", noting that parking in the suburb in general is very difficult.  

"Parking is so hard in many places in Leichhardt and I think a lot of people get a bit territorial about it," one said, adding: "Seeing a car not moving for that long can be triggering. But it's also possible that it's a neighbour who has gone on a long holiday. Tricky." 

Another hit back at the notes, pointing out that the "entitled author" doesn't "own the street". 

"At the end of the day, it's parked in a public place, and it would probably be a lot more effort than it's worth to try and prove the vehicle hasn't moved an inch in 28 days," one said. 

"And no one knows the owner's personal circumstances — perhaps they're ill or elderly or have had to travel somewhere. Passive-aggressive notes definitely aren't going to resolve the situation." 

Another said: "There's no point getting stressed about something you have no control over. You make yourself miserable, but the car will still be there." 

A spokesperson for the Inner West Council told 7 News that a registered vehicle can park in an unrestricted space "without needing to move within a time limit". 

"However, council may be able to take action in accordance with the Public Spaces (Unattended Property) Act if the vehicle is causing an amenity issue, unregistered, or causing an obstruction/safety risk." 

Parking in central Auckland has long been a bugbear for many locals due to the expense and lack of unrestricted spaces. While there are no time limits with on-street parking in Auckland City Centre, the cost can quickly rack up, with an increase to the hourly charge being implemented in late August.