Masturbation May: Kiwis' self-pleasure habits revealed in new bare-all survey

If you've ever found yourself wondering about fellow New Zealanders' masturbation habits, well, this one's for you.

May marks International Masturbation Month and to celebrate, the folks at Wellington-based adult retailer Adult Toy Megastore have unveiled new, bare-all data that reveals how Kiwis and Aussies are taking pleasure into their own hands.

Although the topic remains somewhat taboo (even in the Satisfyer Pro era), 2500 people were still keen to get frank about flying solo, said Adult Toy Megastore founder Nicola Relph.  

"We are so pleased by the uptake on this survey – it has provided our biggest look into masturbation habits, ever," she said.

In fact, the retailer reckons it's the most comprehensive survey ever into self-pleasure practices on both sides of the ditch, so buckle up (or strap on, whatever works). 

While most people are masturbating a few times a week, the research found 41 percent of respondents would like to masturbate more often - particularly women. Of those surveyed, the non-binary cohort led the charge, with 22 percent of the group claiming to masturbate daily.  

When it comes to relationship status, those in casual arrangements were revealed to be masturbating the most: 90 percent said they masturbated at least once a week. Singles came in close second, with 86 percent reporting the same. Meanwhile, 78 percent of married respondents and 77 percent of those in serious relationships said they leaned into self-love at least weekly.

While the bedroom was found to be the most common site for self-pleasure, respondents also indicated that the couch, bathroom, car and even the home office weren't off limits for the Big O.

Unfortunately, women indicated they were more likely to receive shameful messaging around masturbation, while men were more likely to receive positive messaging than both women and non-binary folk.

Commenting on the findings, Adult Toy Megastore's in-house sex educator, Emma Hewitt, said while society has made significant progress in breaking down outdated and unhelpful barriers around sex and sexuality, feelings of shame continue to persist among certain groups.

One key finding was that despite Gen Z often being hailed as the most progressive generation in their attitudes towards sex, gender and mental health, 56 percent of those respondents born between 1997 and 2012 said they had experienced shame around masturbation - the highest percentage of any age group.

These feelings of shame were primarily driven by parents and friends, Hewitt said.  

"Despite experiencing the most shame, this age group are talking about it the most," she added.  

"Masturbation is such a fantastic way of looking after not only your sexual wellness, but your overall physical wellness – there's evidence that masturbation can help improve stress and sleep.  

"It's so important that we keep the momentum going in breaking down these barriers to create a more open, accepting culture where masturbation is seen as normal."  

Key findings of the Masturbation May survey include:

  • The most common frequency of masturbation is a few times a week.
  • Those in casual relationships are masturbating the most: 90 percent at least once a week.
  • Masturbation most frequently occurs in the bedroom, bathroom, car, and for some men, the home office.
  • Men are more likely to receive positive messages around masturbation, while women are more likely to be shamed.
  • Gen Z have experienced the most shame around masturbation.

Last year, adult toy e-store Lovehoney dished the dirt on the sexy shopping habits and most common kinks of each and every region in Aotearoa, from Taranaki's love of being tied up to Southland's soft spot for straps and harnesses.  

For 2023, New Zealand's Sexiest City was awarded to Auckland, with the Super City said to buy the most sex toys nationwide.