'We're all young once': Christchurch boy racers justify dangerous driving, fake 111 calls

Police are fed up with boy racers after they made fake 111 calls in attempts to divert officers as the cruised Christchurch's avenues on Saturday night.

The city has endured its worst night of boy racer chaos in years, and police fear things could get worse.

Thousands of cars cruised the streets playing hide and seek with police for the second night in a row - with officers issuing a whopping 177 tickets.

Fake 111 calls were the main concern on Saturday night. 

"There were calls of false information, which effectively were diverting our police staff off operational serious incidents to go to these incidents that were in fact false," Superintende Lane Todd says.

Police admit their relationship with the boy racer community has deteriorated lately, and so-called car enthusiasts are planning to do it all again soon.

Over the weekend, they have been causing chaos making Christchurch's avenues a scene of madness. 

"No one's here to annoy the police," one boy racer told Newshub on Saturday night. 

"The purpose is to end off the year with a good night; hooning around, massive plume of smoke blows in his face; blowing clouds, drinking piss and all around having a good night."

The 'Ave Invasion' was organised on Facebook, where boy racers vowed to clog up the avenues by 9pm.

Bumper to bumper, they did just that - thousands of boy racers turning up for a second night of cat and mouse with police. 

"We've got enough for a couple of tanks of gas so we'll go hard," another boy racer told Newshub.

And while some did understand why the police are annoyed with them, it didn't stop them from having fun enjoying what they say is "a hobby".

"I can understand why they're annoyed but we're all young once, we all have different hobbies and this is one of ours," another boy racer said.

And with a mob mentality, they expect to meet again on Sunday night.

The boy racers use social media to gather at the same meeting point, waiting for a message on Snapchat to discover where they will congregate. 

But police are ready to discipline the boy racers. 

"It is a public nuisance, a nuisance to other motorists, nuisance to residents, nuisance to the moteliers and their guests so they appreciate our presence and we're not going away," Superintendent Todd says.

However they do admit they are worried about the sudden flare up in activity.

"We are deeply concerned that this weekend has in fact gone backwards," Superintendent Todd says.

"Whilst we will still want to work with the leaders of the organisation our stark message is that enforcement action will be strongly ahead to in the future."

Those who made the hoax 111 calls are being investigated, and police hope to prosecute. 


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