Weather: What to put in grab bag to prepare for Cyclone Gabrielle

  • 11/02/2023

North Islanders have been told to prepare a grab bag for the potential impacts of Cyclone Gabrielle.

The category 3 severe tropical cyclone is tracking towards New Zealand and could bring extreme weather conditions to the upper half and centre of the North Island.

It's important to be prepared in case you have to leave your home in a hurry.

According to the government website Get Ready, grab bags should be ready for everyone in your family. A grab bag is a small bag with essential supplies.

Each bag should have:

  • Walking shoes, warm clothes, raincoat and hat
  • Water and snack food (remember babies and pets too)
  • Hand sanitiser
  • Portable phone charger
  • Cash
  • Copies of important documents and photo ID

Remember any medications you might need and keep your first aid kit, mask or face covering, torch, radio and batteries somewhere you can grab them in a hurry.

If you have special dietary needs, make sure you have the food you need in your grab bag too.

For information on how to prepare for the cyclone visit the government's Get Ready website and stay up to date with information from your local emergency management and Civil Defence.

Auckland Transport has released a list of flood-prone roads found here and Waka Kotahi will be posting any road closures here.

For more Newshub stories on Cyclone Gabrielle click here.

To read more on how to prepare yourself for the cyclone click here. 

To read more about what to do if your house floods click here.

To read more on how to sandbag your house click here.