Te Huia train passengers to get free tickets for a week to mark return of Hamilton to Auckland service

The Hamilton-Auckland commuter service is expected to resume travelling to The Strand by Monday, August 7.
The Hamilton-Auckland commuter service is expected to resume travelling to The Strand by Monday, August 7. Photo credit: Grady Connell

Waka Kotahi has lifted its ban on the Te Huia train service entering central Auckland. 

On top of that, the Waikato Regional Council has announced customers will get free tickets for a week to mark the return of the Hamilton-Auckland commuter service. 

Waka Kotahi New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) issued the prohibition notice on July 11 because of recent Signal Passed at Danger (SPAD) incidents. 

A SPAD incident is where a train driver fails to obey a red signal and enters a section of track where there is the potential for a crash with another train.

But following extra safety measures being implemented, including engineers undertaking additional training, the ban has been lifted. 

The Hamilton-Auckland commuter service is expected to resume travelling to The Strand by Monday, August 7.  

Waikato Regional Council welcomed Te Huia being allowed to resume running into central Auckland and announced there would be free tickets for a week to mark its return.  

"This is an excellent outcome. We're looking forward to getting Te Huia back on track into central Auckland for our passengers as quick as possible, and I'm excited to announce free travel for all passengers for a week from the date of the re-launch of the full service," Waikato Regional councillor and future proof public transport subcommittee deputy chair Angela Strange said.   

"It's been really heartening to hear just how much Te Huia is valued by our communities, as well as nationally as a symbol of the potential for regional passenger rail.   

"I want to acknowledge the loyal passengers who've continued to travel with us through this interruption to our full service, and am optimistic that our passenger numbers will continue to steadily climb again off the back of today's news." 

Waka Kotahi director of land transport Neil Cook said the safety measures being implemented by KiwiRail have provided the agency with the assurance needed for the ban to be lifted. 

"We understand the regulatory action taken earlier this month has caused disruption for people using this service. We don't take decisions like this lightly, and prompt action was needed to ensure the ongoing safety of everyone using the Auckland Metro rail network," Cook said. 

"We are pleased that KiwiRail is taking the urgent action required to prevent further incidents, and have provided us with satisfactory evidence of the measures being taken to ensure that the safety risks have been adequately mitigated."

During the ban, the Hamilton to Auckland train service which usually ended at The Strand in Parnell, was terminating at Papakura and passengers could catch a bus if they wanted to travel further.