The NerdsPLUS podcast: Bethesda lied, war always changes

  • 23/11/2018

This week on the NerdsPLUS podcast, we unpacking Fallout 76's fallout, and Anand has a nuanced opinion of Berserk.

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Some of the stuff we talked about this week:

Berserk: (movies this time): Because Finn won't rest till his co-hosts love it as much as he does.

This War of Mine: The rare kind of game which focuses on the consequences of war instead of the combatants.

Paradigm: A point and click adventure ft. a mutant sloth who vomits candy, what more do you need from me.

Fallout 76: The multiplayer Fallout that so very few people were asking for.


Next week's homework:

Batman Arkham Asylum: The best Batman comic. Period. Fight me, internet.  

Lazarus: Sci-fi action comic with a (spoiler) unkillable main character.

Irredeemable: A comic that asks the question 'What if Superman was a dick?"

Previous episodes of NerdsPLUS

#1 The new Doctor and a Skyrim virgin

#2 Space Jam 2: A Nightmare on Dunk Street

#3 Terrible PR 101: By Activision Blizzard

#4 Tres lonely boys
