Passport-free travel? What could the new 'seamless' trans-Tasman journey include?

Getting to the golden shores of the Gold Coast or flying in and out of the Western Australian mines could soon be a lot more seamless.

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese met with Prime Minister Chris Hipkins in Wellington on Wednesday.

Albanese signed the visitors' book at Parliament, and there was a lot of grinning. There was also a tour before Hipkins invited him into the House. 

Hipkins' new best mate seemingly loving it as Hipkins took on questions from National's Christopher Luxon. 

Then it was down to business, a close relationship between leaders, one they want even closer for their nations.

They announced there will be an expert group set up to consider how to make the journey between the two countries less onerous.

"We agreed to put together a joint Australia-New Zealand expert group, with a clear deadline of 12 months, to scope initiatives to move closer towards seamless travel across the Tasman," Hipkins said. 

"We agreed it's worthwhile to re-engage on a process to find workable measures that would help trans-Tasman businesses and tourism with a simplified border.

"But it's not straightforward. Our border is a big part of what keeps us safe. It's where we manage major biosecurity, people, health and security risks.

"This process will bring the experts together to talk about whether there are ways in which we reduce barriers at the border, while not compromising our security."

So could the days of needing to use a passport for a jaunt across the ditch be over? Or even the creation of a new trans-Tasman passport? 

"We haven't looked at a trans-Tasman passport," Albanese said.

"What we are looking at though is making a seamless experience from country to country."

The "seamless" travel could include smarter smart gates.

"Before you get on a plane in either country, it's already recognised you're okay to come in," said Albanese.

The deadline is 12 months and there's already skepticism here. 

"I'm sure many ministers before have considered it an obvious thing or a nice thing to do but the devil is in the detail," said Luxon.

But details didn't matter for Hipkins and Albo on Wednesday. 

The pair talked about being friends and family.

Their fifth date done, no longer a blossoming bromance but one in full bloom.