AM in hysterics after National MP Erica Stanford shames AM host Ryan Bridge for not wearing shoes in studio

  • 03/11/2023

National MP Erica Stanford called out AM host Ryan Bridge for not wearing shoes in the studio on Friday, sending the political panel and hosts into hysterics.  

Stanford and Labour's Ginny Andersen joined AM, where they clashed over the Nats' suggestion gangs may have to cover up offensive facial tattoos with makeup.    

Toward the end of the interview, Bridge said it's "funny to think about a gang member applying Thin Lizzy". 

Stanford piped up telling AM the "other thing that's also funny is the fact you're not wearing any shoes". 

"I just thought we should let the public know." 

The shaming sent Andersen, Bridge and Stanford into laughter, where Bridge lifted his foot and thanked the MP for "calling me out on that". 

Though it was for good reason, Bridge said it's "very hot in the studio" so he takes his shoes off in the morning.  

Co-host Melissa Chan-Green said thankfully "his feet don't smell". 

"You didn't smell them, you saw them before you smelt them so that says it all doesn't it," Bridge said. 

Watch the moment above.