Election 2023: Christopher Luxon doesn't commit to Government deal this week, won't say when three-way meeting will happen

National leader Christopher Luxon has refused to give much fresh insight into the state of coalition negotiations as it nears on a week since the final election results were revealed.  

He wouldn't commit to a new Government deal being finalised this week. 

Newshub caught up with the incoming Prime Minister as he walked across the Parliament forecourt on Thursday morning and asked how the talks were going.   

"Beautiful sunny day in Wellington, isn't it?" he said.   

"As I said, we don't talk about coalition conversations but they are progressing well. We are working hard to make sure we get a strong and stable Government for New Zealand to solve our challenges."   

He wouldn't say when he expects all three potential Government partners - National, New Zealand First, and ACT - would meet. The leaders of all three partners are in Wellington on Thursday, raising the prospect a three-way meeting could be on the cards.   

"We don't talk about that. We are just working our way through a process," Luxon said. "It is going well and progressing strongly."   

Asked if there would be a government deal this week, he said: "We won't talk about that.   

"We are working hard on it," Luxon added.    

Later on Thursday, Luxon also wouldn't commit to getting to APEC next week.

He said there was a "bit more to do" but National was working to form a Government as soon as possible.

"All parties are really committed to working as quickly as they can through the respective issues. As soon as we have got something to tell you, we will tell you."

Luxon said all three parties would meet "shortly."

On Thursday afternoon, New Zealand First leader Winston Peters also spoke to media.    

He said his party had been "flat out all day and half the darn night trying to get the matters of the negotiations completed".     

"Speed is of the essence. We are not wasting time here.  Some of us would like to get back home. We have got other things to do. We have been on the trail for two-and-a-half years."      

Peters said the coalition negotiations were "substantive [and] progressive".     

"It takes a lot of time to get to the detail because the detail has to be cross matched with other details."  

When asked if he'll meet with Peters on Thursday, ACT's David Seymour said his door is open.        

"We've reached out in various ways so remains to be seen but we 're here and we're ready to talk," Seymour said.         

Pushed again to confirm meetings, Seymour said it was his understanding he would be meeting with National on Thursday and teased a possible meeting involving New Zealand First too.       

"We're going to sit down with them [National] and possibly others."