Rotorua's Ultimate Canopy Tour: The zip-line adventure that will crush your fear of heights

Rotorua Canopy Tours has been providing zip-line thrills against a beautiful backdrop of native New Zealand bush for six years. 

Now, they've opened the Ultimate Canopy Tour, an exhilarating step up from their successful first venture - and with much more appeal to those who consider themselves true adrenaline junkies.

I am unequivocally NOT a true adrenalin junkie.

So it was with some trepidation that I set out on an adventure that includes a total of 1200m of zip-line action on high - very high.

Things started out relaxed enough with stroll through the bush, marvelling at 1000-year old Rimu trees and stopping to feed a couple of meal-worms to the adorable native birdlife.

It wasn't long until I experienced my first bout of the dreaded jelly-legs, with my first step onto the 75m suspended tree-top swing bridge.

Thankfully, I was able to quickly distract myself by playing the Jurassic Park theme song in my head, taken with the stunning, prehistoric vistas of the canopy below.

Alongside thrilling tourists, the company has put in some serious mahi into conservation, with the goal of restoring the bush to its former, predator-free glory.

After overriding every one of my survival instincts in order to step off the first zip-line platform, I was away laughing - or rather, screaming, and deafening Newshub camera operator Ben on the way.

Six different zip-lines each present their own thrill-factor - the highlight being a 400m-long monster, which allows for almost a full minute of adrenaline-inducing magic.

I even managed to attempt that one backwards, under the watchful eyes of our friendly guides, who helpfully kept reminding me that 10-year-olds were allowed to do the tour.

By the end of the three-and-a-half hour course, my new laidback, outdoorsy persona opted to do the final 18m controlled abseil upside-down; but I didn't quite nail the crucial flip necessary for the manoeuvre.

I arrived at the forest floor in a pose that was less Spider-Man, more dying praying mantis.

Whatever kind of insect I looked like, I was stoked.


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