Heartbreaking video shows man offering water to badly singed koala

A heartbreaking video of a man offering a badly singed Koala water has been posted online. 

The video was taken in Bellangry State Forest, New South Whales where the man found the Koala dehydrated and desperate for water. 

In the heartbreaking video, Kate the Koala sits on the ground, fur singed and barely able to open her eyes as a man named Darrel offers the poor marsupial a plastic cup of water. 

As Kate gulps down the water, Darrel is heard saying "you're so badly singed aren't you".

The clip was posted by Koala Hospital Port Macquarie, where over half the Lake Innes Nature Reserve's koala colony was estimated to be wiped out in the NSW bush fires.

The hospital captioned the photo, "he may have got the sex wrong, but he did the right thing by gently capturing her using a big blanket and bringing her to us.

"Kate has burns to hands, feet, face and full singeing of her body."

"We had in our immediate area around 550-600 koalas and we've actually only taken in 20 and one Joey," said Amanda Gordon, Koala Hospital Port Macquarie, team leader and carer. 

Gordan told Newshub, the volunteers are not seeing a lot of koalas which means they've been burnt. 

"Everybody is pretty devastated, the population is going to take a long time to recover," Gordan told Newshub. 

The Facebook video has received over 9000 likes. 

Many were upset by the video, but happy the koala was rescued by the man and his caring nature towards the animal. 

One person commented, "that's so upsetting to see her so badly hurt but beautiful to see her drinking and getting the care she needs", while another posted, "awful vision but so glad she had a kind rescuer and has a will to live. Good luck little one."