Donald Trump 'looking very seriously' at issuing pardons to rioters who stormed US Capitol if elected

  • 03/09/2022

Donald Trump says he might give presidential pardons to rioters convicted of storming the US Capitol in 2021 if he runs for President again and wins the United States election in 2024.

Trump told right-wing radio host Wendy Bell he could let Capitol Hill rioters off the hook, after opting not to do so before he left office last year. 

"I will tell you, I will look very, very favourably about full pardons if I decide to run and if I win," Trump said. "I will be looking very, very strongly about pardons. Full pardons.

"And I mean full pardons with an apology."

More than 900 people have been slapped with charges over January 6, 2021, pro-Trump riots - a violent assault on the US Capitol building that left five people dead. Trump was later impeached for "incitement of insurrection".

In the interview with Bell, Trump also hinted he was "financially supporting" some of the rioters.

Insurrectionists were charged with a variety of offences including gun-related felonies, violent entry, disorderly conduct, assaulting police and threatening to kill House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.