Wild crane in India becomes friends with saviour that nursed it back to health

A wild crane found hurt in a field in India has grown very attached to the man who saved its life. 

Mohammad Arif found the injured and bleeding Sarus crane in his field in Uttar Pradesh, India, last year. 

When asked why he chose to help the hurt animal, he said it just felt like the right thing to do.

"I just performed my duty as a human being."

Taking the bird home and using a concoction of home remedies to heal its wounds, he hoped he would help the crane return to the wild. 

A paste made of turmeric and mustard oil was included in the healing process. 

Within six weeks, the crane was back to normal and, unexpectedly, not going anywhere. 

Arif told the BBC that he never expected the bird to stay due to its wild nature, however, was pleasantly surprised that it stuck around. 

The crane appears very thankful for his protector, who often posts social media videos of the large bird flying alongside him while he rides his motorcycle and even eats out of his very plate. 

The Sarus crane is known for building long-lasting partner bonds, so much so they can starve themselves to death in grief following the loss of a partner. 

Arif believes this, combined with the bird's ability to roam freely, has played a part in the loyal connection they have created. 

"We never tie it up or keep it in a cage. That's why it has not left us."