How 'manscaping' gives men that extra optical inch

  • Breaking
  • 07/09/2009

You know times are a changin’ when the ‘Brazilian’ becomes the ‘Boyzillian’, the ‘Hollywood’ becomes ‘Back, Sack & Crack’ and the ‘French Trim’ becomes the ‘Speedo’. The message is clear – men are being asked to groom their nether regions. Or to put it bluntly, deal with the ‘fro down below gentlemen. The ladies have had enough!

As it transpires, there are hidden advantages to this latest trend. Or unhidden depending on how you want to look at it, because groin shaving has been proven to provide men with an extra optical inch.

It’s an illusion of course, but nothing to be scoffed at. Industry insiders will talk about the male porn stars’ penchant for ‘base shaving’. This can be the difference between work and the dole queue for these hard-working professionals.

But now, it’s the everyday bloke who’s been encouraged to make the most of what they have! Shed the Chewbacca within and Edward Scissorhand that shrubbery!

And thanks to one compnay that extra optical inch is just a snip away…well, a smooth trim or shave actually.

Philips new BodyGroom enables men to shave all body zones below the neck.

The BodyGroom shaver is rechargeable, maintenance-free and reaches all those extremities when you want to shave everywhere.

And with an extra optical inch, size doesn’t really matter.

As part of the campaign, Philips have created a great new website which is more than worthy of a giggle. Check it out at for the ultimate guide to manscaping and design tips for those seeking an extra optical inch.

source: newshub archive