James Franco glad paparazzi have no interest in him

  • Breaking
  • 02/03/2015

James Franco is pleased he doesn't bring in enough money to make him worth following by paparazzi.

Many stars bemoan how intrusive photographers can be, but it's not an issue the 36-year-old star has ever been that concerned with. On occasion he finds people want to shoot him, but for the main part he doesn't think they are that interested in what he's up to.

"I actually don't have a huge problem with it. I don't know why, I just hope they keep staying away. But I think generally speaking I don't bring in that much money and that's why they don't try and get photos of me," he told Prestige Hong Kong magazine. "Photos of me walking around New York or at school are just not as valuable as Jennifer Lawrence in her workout gear."

Despite this, James has hit the headlines during his career. He's known for positive things like going to university to study for multiple things, but has also had his fair share of scandal. That includes flirting with a teenage girl over Instagram last year, but surprisingly the experience didn't put him off social media.

Apart from anything, it's sometimes a requirement of his job.

"It's always felt frivolous to me, meaning I think I have a silly attitude, generally speaking, when I post things. I don't take it that seriously. On the other hand, it is very serious because one of the main currencies of our age is attention, and so that little number that says how many people are following me actually equates into money, and a certain type of power, and I have studios asking me to post things on my Instagram," he said.

"I have different clients that [my manager] Will and I work with where part of the deal is that I post on [social media], so now I have something that is quantifiable and is something that is put on the bargaining table."

James works as an actor and director and relishes both roles. Doing them in tandem works well for the star, as he believes each makes him better at the other. Focusing solely on acting made him feel "stifled creatively", but he won't be giving it up.

The star also enjoys trying many different genres, adding that he doubts he'll make another comedy unless it features his friend and The Interview co-star Seth Rogen.

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source: newshub archive