JK Rowling wishes she could use magic to undo Brexit

  • 25/06/2016
JK Rowling (AAP)
JK Rowling (AAP)

The creator of Harry Potter wishes she could use his magic in real life to cast a reversing spell on Britain's decision to leave the European Union.

JK Rowling was asked by a distressed young fan on Twitter to "do something" as the Brexit vote slid toward Leave yesterday, to which she replied she had never wanted magic more.

The United Kingdom voted to leave the 28-nation EU bloc yesterday in a historic decision, with over 30 million people voting and a tight 52 percent to 48 percent result.

As predicted by financial analysts, the British pound plummeted, the first of several crises the Remain campaign warned of.

As news agencies started announcing the win for Leave, Rowling tweeted a solemn, simple farewell to her nation of birth.

It was just one of many messages from the literary giant, who had been urging her followers to vote Remain in the lead-up to the vote.
