Pixar master mentors young hopefuls

  • Breaking
  • 01/12/2014

The co-founder of Pixar has brought Hollywood to Manukau. 

Alvy Ray Smith will speak at two events in Auckland and Wellington, but first he shared some of his tips and tricks with some young teenagers.

Dr Smith's face wasn't familiar to many of the budding young creatives in Auckland, but many knew of his work.

While Dr Smith left Pixar in 1991, before Toy Story was made, he made sure everything was in order.

"Starting a company is hard. There's just no question about it but we pulled it off," says Dr Smith. "That's what I'm extremely proud of, and of course the fact they've been so successful from everything they touch doesn't hurt."

In 1984 he directed the world's first computer-animated short film, The Adventures of Andre & Wally B.

"I'm 71 years old. I was born almost exactly the same year that computers were born, so I'm a living, breathing example of someone who spent their entire life with the computer, watching it go from nothing to the amazing machines that we have today," says Dr Smith.

At the High Tech Youth Network in Manukau, young people come after school to work with mentors to develop ideas and increase their skills. Dr Smith hopes to help them realise their own potential.

"Learn your chops. Have a passion and go for it."

And who could argue with the old master of computer graphics?

3 News

source: newshub archive