Woman captures 'Bigfoot' on video

  • Breaking
  • 30/05/2011

By 3news.co.nz staff

A woman from Spokane, Washington says a mysterious figure she caught on camera while out hiking could be Bigfoot.

"While hiking, we accidentally caught an image of bigfoot walking through the woods," the woman – only known by her YouTube username, Samantha 13950 – wrote on YouTube.

"I didn't even notice until I got home and saw it on the computer! This scared the crap out of us!"

She told local TV station KXLY it seemed "real enough".

"Someone asked me in the comments section if I believed in Bigfoot before the video. I have never given it much thought, but now I'm not so sure."

The short clip begins with her friend appearing to wave at something, leading some to suggest it's an obvious hoax. But Samantha rejects this.

"I was filming my friends slapping at ginormous mosquitoes and trying to get through some thick weeds."

'Bigfoot' was recorded near the Spokane Community College. Professor Adam Sharp told KXLY Bigfoot's a regular there.

"We do get messages from him, from the faculty and staff. But he's pretty elusive; he doesn't like the spotlight a whole lot."

3 News

source: newshub archive