Waiheke Island faces water crisis over Christmas

  • 19/12/2017
An extra 30,000 people are expected to arrive over the holiday period.
An extra 30,000 people are expected to arrive over the holiday period. Photo credit: Getty

Waiheke Islanders face an uncomfortable Christmas as water supplies run low, Radio New Zealand reports.

People without enough bore water or rainwater must use water delivery services. However these are at capacity, and fresh water is now unable to be delivered for up to the next six weeks.

An extra 30,000 people are expected to arrive over the holiday period, adding stress to the water situation.

People are arriving at their holiday homes to find they've run out of water, RNZ reports.

People are encouraged to conserve water by any means necessary.

"If it's yellow let it mellow in the toilet and it's fun to go for a swim at the beach rather than get in the shower," Waiheke Holiday Homes owner Lynda Hull told RNZ.

Auckland Council is contemplating allowing water companies to draw more water from aquifers to supply the island's population.
