Redcliffs residents evacuated as community crumbles

  • Breaking
  • 24/02/2011

By Shaun Summerfield

Hundreds of people have been evacuated from the seaside suburb of Redcliffs, after a stream of rock falls were triggered by aftershocks.

Now, those who remain are watching their community crumble.

The hillside above Redcliffs continues to fall, forcing half the suburb to be evacuated to nearby Cowells Stadium.

Living at the foot of the cliffs is simply too dangerous – every aftershock brings new rock falls – while mansions on top are in a precarious position.

For three quarters of a century Graeme Hines has watched Redcliffs grow. Now, he’s watching it crumble.

Not everyone made it out – the rock falls came too quickly. A digger has been brought in to dig through the rubble for bodies.

Half of the suburb’s residents have been evacuated – the half that lived under the cliffs. For those remaining, it’s just a matter of waiting and watching as the aftershocks bring more of the cliff down.

Resident Rob Dowson says the rocks are too close for comfort. He is packing up his father-in-law Marty Murphy’s house after 50 years in Redcliffs.

It’s unlikely he’ll return.

The earthquake didn’t discriminate; from the hill top mansion, to the famous Moa Bone Caves, very little escaped.

3 News

source: newshub archive