Soft plastic recycling programme hits Canterbury

  • 12/06/2016
Soft plastic recycling programme hits Canterbury

Canterbury is the latest region to get new soft plastic recycling programme in its supermarkets.

There are 50 drop off stations where it's hoped 75 tonnes of waste will be saved from going to the landfill.

Project Manager Lyn Mayes says people don't realise how many plastic bags could be recycled under the new scheme.

"If you think about your own kitchen really, you've got the bag that you buy your bread in, or the bag your rice is in -- just think about all the items you have in your home. It's not just about the shopping bag or the carrier bag; it’s all the other stuff as well.

Ms Mayes says people are usually blown away when they find out just what soft plastic can be turned into.

"Bollards and traffic cones, decking too. There are huge applications for construction and conservation industries and also commercial entities."

The 50 Christchurch stations add to the 100 already rolled out in Auckland and Waikato.
