Zombies passing on the reading bug

  • Breaking
  • 27/04/2013

Zombies invaded a south Auckland library yesterday, all in the name of literacy.

The Tupu Youth Library came under siege - one group of teenagers forming the undead masses, the other forming "survivors" - who had to research to find a way out.

Manager Richard Misilei says he needed an innovative idea to bring kids to the library.

"For a lot of people the library's not the first place to go to, so we have to really make ourselves look attractive," he says.

Mr Misilei says reading rates in south Auckland are below the national average, so it's up to the library to improve its image.

"You kinda tie it into something fun and then that's when I think reading becomes a little bit more attractive," he says.

But that's easier said than done - library staff need to keep on top of the trends.

"We're all past our teenage years so what we used to think was cool is not cool anymore, so we have to constantly figure out 'what do they like now, what are they enjoying and how can we tie that into reading?'," says Mr Misilei.

The library manager is hopeful the event will infect the survivors of the zombie invasion with the reading bug.

3 News

source: newshub archive