King Richard III to get proper burial

  • Breaking
  • 08/03/2015

More than 500 years after his death, King Richard III will be buried for a second time.

The bones of the English monarch were discovered in 2012 under what is now a carpark in central England.

A video of the historic moment has now been released.

Forensic teams have since confirmed he was killed by between eight and 10 blows the head.

Scientists also found evidence of what's been described as "humiliation injuries", and the twisted skeleton also reinforced the notion that Richard suffered from scoliosis – curvature of the spine.

DNA evidence sealed the deal – scientists saying they are 99.999 percent confident the bones belong to Richard.

Analysis further established what he looked like – blue eyes, and blonde hair that darkened as he got older.

But that DNA dug up another skeleton of a kind found in closets – a break in the DNA of male descendants. Did an adulterous affair break the royal line of succession?

Royal ancestry aside, all that remains is what to do with the king's remains. There's a visitor centre where he used to lie, but he is to have a proper burial at the Leicester Cathedral later this month, with a full funeral procession.

He may get that horse he wanted after all.

3 News / CBS

source: newshub archive