Otto the otter on the mend

  • Breaking
  • 05/03/2015

A British wildlife centre has become the temporary home for a baby otter found on the bank of a river and separated from his family.

Otto, who currently has no significant otters, was poorly underweight, dehydrated and exhausted when he was found by a father and son out walking their dog in a park in North Yorkshire, UK newspaper The York Press reports.

The otterly adorable pup was reported to The Wildlife Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre, and a comprehensive search for Otto's family was conducted, to no avail.

Manager Krista Langley said she and team took Otto back to the centre uncertain about whether he would make it.

"He weighed under a kilo when we brought him in and had us worried in the evening after going quite limp and refusing to take fluids, but after persevering we eventually managed to get him to drink small amounts from a syringe - and he finally took a full bottle of milk at 4am," she says.

Otto was fed every four hours for days on end, before he started to gain weight and start playing again.

The plan is to move Otto out of his current abode to a rehabilitation centre where he will stay for a year while he grows.

3 News

source: newshub archive